Northeast Ohio Pest Control Experts

Commercial and Industrial Pest Control

At A&A Pest Control, we understand that a pest problem that seems minor can become a major issue if you are unable to run your business. That’s why we respond quickly to treat your pest problem in your business facility, whatever it is, and work with you to design treatment that prevents future infestations.

From offices and apartments to hotels and schools to warehouses and factories, a pest problem can cost you money in the form of lost business and damaged reputation. We treat your infestation to quickly rid your facility of pests, then identify potential sources of future infestations so you can be proactive in your pest control.

Common commercial pests

Pest infestations in your commercial or industrial facility can be an inconvenience for your clients and employees, but it also can lead to health concerns, especially with pests that carry and transmit disease, such as cockroaches, mice and rats. High traffic can also make re-infestation a risk, especially in hotels, schools and businesses that accept shipments, as pests are known to hide in boxes, bags and clothing.

Protect your business, your employees and your clients by trying one of our service agreements designed to handle your immediate needs and prevent future infestations. Your estimate is free.

Services We Provide & Guarantee

We are experienced and skilled to handle pest control in homes, commercial locations and industrial facilities alike.


Our residential service addresses pests that can invade your home at any time of the year.


From offices to apartments to warehouses, we are equipped to rid your facility of pests that can hurt your business.


We offer monthly, quarterly and yearly service agreements designed to fit your needs for your home or business and keep you free of pests.
Board member & Former President of Summit County Pest Control Association.